Featured Project

Listening Across Disciplines

Finetuned was a co-applicant and project partner on Listening Across Disciplines II: a four year AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council. UK) funded project.

We worked closely with Professor Salomé Voeglin, Dr Mark Peter Wright et al to systematically investigate the potential of listening as a legitimate and reliable methodology for research across the arts and humanities and into science, social science and technology.

Listening Across Disciplines built on the educational, societal and cultural impacts achieved by the global network of significant partners from across the disciplines that were brought together in the AHRC network project of the same name in 2016-17. 

It was a rare opportunity to work with the eminent Prof. Voegelin and Dr Wright across a period that saw great change in areas of sound arts and field recording. Mark's landmark publication Listening After Nature: Field Recording, Ecology, Critical Practice, thankfully now available in paperback, resonates strongly with the work we do in the field.

Read an overview of our work on the project or more specifically about how we facilitated the creation of an exploratory platform for listening protocols, jump across to Resonance: the Journal of Sound and Culture to read our co-authored paper, or explore the project website.

Other News

Audio Paper for Seismograf

Julian has been shortlisted to compose an audio paper for Seismograf: a peer-reviewed online platform devoted to practical and theoretical issues in relation to contemporary music, sound art and sound studies.

Deriving from our ongoing research into energy politics, philisophy and fieldwork, this short paper explores how how field recording practices can be impacted by concepts from the fields of energy production, energy efficiency, ancient greek and contemporay vegetal philosophy.

Coming soon…

A deep dive into our ongoing research spatialising the sounds of nuclear fusion. 

Our Work

Commissions: sound, artworks, texts