What happens when a space is designated yet remains largely unpopulated?

We'd created a space. It was a little early so we left it vacant. We started to wonder about the space; it reverberated around the back of our minds and we began to consider it at length.

This space was occupying our thoughts whilst remaining unused. So was it empty?

We knew the concept of silence was a deception and recalled that not all vacuums are void. This space was producing signals - indefinite perhaps yet enough to occupy a moment, some portion of the present.

Elsewhere, signals stand in for something else - temporary replacements - tokens indicating something to come. They are intended to reserve space, the placing of a coat on an adjacent chair, inferring a future occupation or just the prevention of one; a denoting of tenure perhaps.

More questions arose; we thought about answering them, we thought about a response and how to respond differently.

We kept quiet and asked 17 artists...