Ten artists' work with sound under three themes


In the sense of the musical directive, piano softly, quietly opens up spaces around the keyboard. In an unusual twist, all works exhibited in piano are mute.

Giles Drayton
Anette Rose
Julian Weaver




Duo, Anette Rose

Duo, Anette Rose


A well-known theorist once suggested that all archives are open to the future and thus can never be complete. Critical historiography notwithstanding, archive presents works which constitute evidence of the processes of archival use and re-use.

Bernard G Mills
Gavin Peacock
Julian Weaver

Interlude, Julian Weaver

Interlude, Julian Weaver

Hearing Voices

Exploring the dichotomy of voices embodied and disembodied, live and recorded, at work and at play.

Susan Diab
Justin McKeown
Monica Ross



reading human material, Monica Ross

reading human material, Monica Ross

Curated by Gavin Peacock, Monica Ross and Julian Weaver.

Thanks to the artists, eta and APEC

Supported by eta